What People Want

What People Want

One day, I was walking through the grocery store. I had just finished writing the first 55 Lessons of the Hooded Sage Course, and so it was like that feeling that you get, when you feel like you have actually

The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule: “Do Unto Others, As You Would Have Done Unto You”. — is a message that has been written within every single philosophy and religion of this world. There isn’t one of them that doesn’t mention or express

The Golden Resonance

Golden Resonance

In Disney’s Prince of Persia – the Sands of Time, they have visual special effects that show a very good representation of what a golden resonance looks like. That’s one of the cool things about using movies as references, because

Fight Club

Fight Club

When I first started this little website, back in 2008, I threw a bunch of little books and movies into an amazon store. I didn’t necessarily explain anything about any of them. I just mentioned that there were hidden meanings


Relationships III

Relationships are simple. What makes relationships so hard? People make their own relationships hard. The ego and the rigid intellectual opinions of the mind make relationships hard — nothing more. What’s so hard about being kind? What’s so hard about