Khris Krepcik Healing

Spiritual Healing

I spend most of my time writing, answering student’s questions on a discussion board, and working in the aluna worlds. But the past nine months, a lot of the work has landed on the ground. We’ve been traveling around the

The Solar Logos

The Solar Logos

The Solar Logos is a celestial force of light from a 27-dimensional universe — in other words, the Light Symbol or Light Vehicle of the Celestial Force itself. The underlying nature of reality is a holographic field of fractal geometries.

The celestial force

The Celestial Force

The Celestial Force is Inside of You and All Around You. It is within all things. All things are within it. Separation from this simple truth is an illusion of the mind. Everything is connected. Everything is energy. The forward

Souls of Light

Souls of Light

Your true spiritual form — your soul — is a holographic system of flowing etheric tubes and geometrical fractal codes — a system of light and geometrical shapes. You are an etheric being of light. You are not just a

God Speed


Chivalry is pretty much dead and gone from this modern world we live in. Women just aren’t as healing, nurturing, and soft as they used to be. Men just aren’t as courageous, honorable, and strong as they used to be.