The Aluna Self

The Aluna Self

The etheric energy of a person is a subtle, bio-photonic glow that surrounds their physical body. With a little training, you can learn to see it. It appears as simple as a subtle vibrational glow. With a little closer inspection,

The Mental Fields

The Mental Fields

People think their thoughts are their own, but that’s not quite the case. The fact of the matter is that we live in a holographic universe, and humanity is connected via an etheric web of energy. Solidity isn’t as solid

The Un-United States

Over the past several years, I’ve had many visions of the United States becoming engulfed in water. In my notes from 2004, I had a series of visions that California dropped into the ocean completely, ker-plunk. Over the past two

Summoning the Light

Summoning the Light

As you take to the spiritual journey and embrace your shadow, you begin to heal it. It transforms. To embrace the shadow simply means to accept it, rather than run from it in denial. There is no healing without first

Calling Out the Shadow

Calling Out the Shadow

While people like to sit back and pretend how very special, spiritual, and celestial they are, the fact of the matter is quite different. On an energy level, a person’s etheric body is a direct reflection of their true inner sentiments.