Emotion can drop you like a lead balloon. Mind can trap you in circles of confusion and pain. Emotion and Mind = Blocks and Binds. The Quality of Your Life is a Reflection of the Quality of Your Own Inner…
Emotion can drop you like a lead balloon. Mind can trap you in circles of confusion and pain. Emotion and Mind = Blocks and Binds. The Quality of Your Life is a Reflection of the Quality of Your Own Inner…
The human body is holographic. We live in a holographic universe. The physical world is made solid by your mind moving forward in time in the observation of particles. Any quantum physicist will tell you that the observation of a…
Within the depths of the human subconscious mind, attitudes, inner feelings, and thoughts have forms. The collective human conscious and subconscious exist as holographic fields. Holographic fields exist as the very underlying nature of reality that give form to all…
By Stuart Wilde — My ol’ teacher said that animals exist in a group soul of their species, but when a human befriends an animal, the love that flows allows the animal to exit the group soul of its kind, and…
When people think of the philosophy of the Warrior Sage, they often think of it as being harsh. It often contradicts their idea of spirituality. Warrior does imply fighting, so I suppose that throws people off a bit. Warrior means…