V for Vendetta

V for Vendetta

  V for Vendetta originally appeared in 1982 in the black-and-white British comic book, Warrior, written by Alan Moore and illustrated by David Lloyd. The story was about anarchy in the UK, set in a near-future, post-nuclear police state, where political prisoners had been

Wounded Healer

The Wounded Healer

The wounded healer is a phenomenon that occurs between the healer and the one receiving the healing. Psychologist Carl Jung used the phrase to describe experiences in the relationship between the analyst and their patient, where the analyst would examine themselves and



The Old Norse god of thunder, lightning, storms, oak trees, strength, the protection of mankind, as well as hallowing, healing, and fertility—Thor is a perfect example of how the Mystical Healer and the Mystic Warrior are actually one and the very same thing.

How to Heal Darkness

How to Heal Darkness

Moving right along with the subjects of How to Heal Emotion and How to Heal Mind, one must consider what that really means on an energy level. What does healing body, mind, and spirit really mean—if it does not mean to

How to Heal Mind

How to Heal Mind

Emotion and Mind are intertwined. You can neutralize any emotion with a stance of Non-Reaction. But the root of emotion is not the emotion. The root of the emotion is not the conditions, circumstances, or situations that you experience. The