Author: Khris Krepcik
Khris Krepcik is a world renowned etheric healer and metaphysical teacher with a lifetime of training in ancient wisdoms and mystic arts. Krepcik is considered to be down to earth, natural, and real. Read the full Khris Krepcik Bio >
The Ancient Gods

The Ancient Gods

The idea that there is only one omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent eternal force is accurate in my view, but that force is beyond vast in its endless, intricate complexity. It is everywhere, because it is an eternal flowing energy that

Lady of the Lake

The Lake of Avalon

Many times, I’ve seen the Lake of Avalon and the Lady of the Lake that Stuart Wilde has discussed in his writings and lectures. When the lake visions come in, we’re usually there together or with other people that we

The Matrix

The Matrix Codes

There has been a lot of interesting discussion over the past ten years between quantum physicists, philosophers, free thinkers, new age buffs and even just normal guys talking over coffee on what has become known as ‘The Matrix’—a hidden system



There is a Being in the Morph Worlds that we’ve seen many times that appears in a half-man, half-lion form. The first time I saw him, he rushed in from a dimension at 90 degrees to the right in the

Trance State Meditation

Trance State Meditation

I’ve experimented with altered states of consciousness for over twenty years. One of the safest ways to enhance your perception and enter deep trance state levels is to use audio metronomes set to specific brainwave speeds. A brief overview of