
“I have been searching for 25 years for The Course. During that time I have studied many different modalities, but something didn’t feel complete until I was intuitively guided to The Course. Since joining I have received many answers to questions that nobody else seemed to answer. Khris is an amazing gift to the world whose knowledge is clear, concise and unlimited. I finally feel the searching is over… and the re-membering has begun. I am so grateful for the life changing teaching.”

— Kerrie O’Connor
Connecticut, USA

“These teachings have opened doorways… some I vaguely remember and some I never knew existed… and given me the opportunity to stand in the 3D world in a more sacred way… I am stronger and softer for having come here… and I am grateful…”

— Sylvia Turner
Arizona, USA

“I wish I had access to this information when I was a younger man. I have found the course to be life changing already and I have only been engaged in the process for 15 weeks. The wisdom within the teachings is enriching and broadening and yet the course content is succinct in nature. The course is providing me with a new set of guiding principles and values and is helping me improve aspects of my life in ways I wouldn’t have thought possible. I am eternally grateful to Khris, an inspirational teacher.”

— Richard Buckley
United Kingdom

“The course and teachings have granted me with a real sense of what my life is all about – becomming ever more real – I feel humbled with the love, warmth, healing, serenity and energies shared by Khris. Beyond what words can ever describe…”


“When I was little I saw Angels, beautiful animals, and beautiful places. When I was a teenager I remembered these visions with longing, and sometimes I’d see them again. When I grew up the business of living took over, the dreams stopped, the anger set in, and all these ugly thoughts filled my head. Thought after thought, never any silence. I lost the ability to love. Funny how that happens. Then one day, I remembered again and I went looking. I found this course. The lessons have helped me to regain the dreams, the visions, and the love. They’ve helped me to lose the anger and the ugly thoughts. Priceless!”

— Anna Cairns
Ontario, Canada

“If you’re up for the challenge of doing the inner work, then this course will benefit you. There is a flow to the lessons that I find fascinating… a natural unfolding, then it all begins to solidify into a whole unit. It does require a certain discipline though. If you stick to it, your discipline will develop… and doors will open.”

— Russell Webb

“I am sincerely happy to have found a teacher/mentor/guide of a what I consider to be a man with a head on his shoulders with much wisdom, grounded and truly walking in integrity while embracing a real and warm heart. I feel rest assured in having found this course and honoured to be part of it.”

— Sabrina Ricci Pacifici
Ravenna, Italy

“The Hooded Sage Lessons, are so much more than I imagined… For me, they are a weaving of intricate patterns unfolding, that have unlocked paths and doorways to other dimensions. I hope that one day I can truly be of service… the experience leaves me humbled. I am very thankful to be part of this energy. It is remarkable!”

— Penny Thomas
British Columbia, Canada

“The lessons along with the questions and comments have been very important to me and have really helped me a lot. I am very grateful to be here. Khris’s knowledge is extraordinary.”

— Gerald Mooney

“Fellowship…the “echo of spirit” made more audible… finally.. a true way home. My search is over. Thank you for these amazing teachings on how to align to… and remember who we truly are. Before this course I hadn’t a clue how to get rid of all my “stuff”… just sort of swept them under the worldly carpet.. not realizing that that is where my awareness would remain until… No growth… locked in. Now my Infinite Self will have a chance to fly… all the way home. Thank you.”

— Paulette Harvey
Scarborough, Canada

“After I received the remote healing from Khris I felt so different that I simply had to join the course. I have received many weekly lessons and all of them are concise and profound. I do not have to search through tons of pages to find meaning. Reading them is transformative in itself and I often go back and read through all of them and I find that my energy lifts. For some reason it is much easier to remember the teachings and put them into practice than any other course I have ever done. I find that I can stop my negativity taking a hold through the simple practices in the lessons and I am beginning to ditch the ego’s opinions about how life should be. Others have noticed that I have become softer and more caring. If you are considering a spiritual course then I cannot recommend this one enough. It works!”

— Kavya Thomas-Lane
New Zealand

“This course sent me a lifeline. I was floundering in the abyss of despair hopelessness with no self worth, with little understanding how to sort my life out. After doing Stuart’s course then onto this one, I have come on leaps and bounds, and I am starting to recognize my own true potential. An absolutely must if you wish to correct your self with true tested disciplines. In my opinion the best thing I ever did with my life.”

— Edward Vaughan
Wirral, England

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