There’s some very misleading misinformation spreading out there claiming that “Guns Are the Leading Cause of Death for U.S. Children”. The gun-control activists, news media, and politicians are constantly regurgitating that statement either without properly analyzing or understanding the raw data that it was based on, or to intentionally mislead people.
Neither would surprise me.
They would like you to believe it, but it simply isn’t true. It’s a lie. It’s misinformation. It’s propaganda. At the very least, it’s the exploitation of human emotion and sensationalism designed to provoke public interest at the expense of truth — otherwise known as lying.
As I’ve mentioned before, I’m not necessarily pro-firearms. I’m not necessarily a gun-rights advocate. I don’t even own a gun and have no need for them. They’re too loud. But I’m certainly no gun-control activist marching down the street with some protest sign, nor some politician pushing political agendas. I’m not necessarily anti-firearms.
I Am Anti-Brainwashing, Anti-Bullshit, & Anti-Propaganda.
You have to understand that The Hiss of The Snake (News Media) constantly bombards society with fear, lies, negativity, and propaganda. They want to dominate, manipulate, and manufacture the collective opinion. And they will tell you almost anything to achieve their political agendas of enforcing more and more control and restriction over everyone and everything.
The absurd statement that “Guns Are the Leading Cause of Death for U.S. Children” comes from activists, journalists, and politicians cherry-picking information out of the CDC WONDER database produced by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). And then many times it’s just the brain-dead regurgitation of a statement that someone else said, without any further analysis or comprehension of the information that it was cherry-picked from.
If you actually use the CDC WONDER database, which is available to the general public on the CDC website that anyone with an internet connection can use, you will find that Guns ARE NOT the Leading Cause of Death for U.S. Children. And you will quickly realize that the activists’, journalists’, and politicians’ claims are sensationalized nonsense.
First, you have to understand the definition of “child” — which is usually understood to mean a young human being below the age of puberty, which is typically the age thirteen.
If you request a Cause of Death by Injury Mechanism & All Other Leading Causes report for Single-Year Ages of <1 Years thru 13 Years for 2021, you will find that Death by Firearm is NOT The Leading Cause of Death — It’s The 10th Leading Cause of Death and at 561 total firearm-related deaths, it means it only represents 1.96% of all child deaths, of which 28,056 were not caused by guns.
And this is all public knowledge that anyone can access, analyze, review, and use themselves.
You can click on the image to view a snapshot of the report.
The activists, journalists, and politicians don’t explain why they’ve omitted The Other Top Nine Leading Causes of Death for U.S. Children that Outweigh Guns from their articles and reports, such as birth defects, disease, suffocation, motor vehicles, cancer, and drowning.
And why would that be? Why wouldn’t they want you to know that? Because it doesn’t support their political agendas, motives, or “messaging”, aka. propaganda campaigns.
The Hiss of The Snake (News Media) would like to paint you a terrifying picture of society and make you believe that guns are around every corner, that everyone has one, and that children are constantly threatened by drive-by shootings, mass shootings, & school shootings and are all dying from gunshot wounds. But that is not the case.
With 561 firearm-related deaths out of a total number of age 13 & under population of 56,133,677, it means that 0.0009% of children were killed by guns in 2021 — which in turn means that 99.9991% of Children Are Not Being Killed By Guns.
The Leading Cause of Death for U.S. Children is Birth — conditions arising during the perinatal period and congenital deformations and chromosomal abnormalities.
If you actually analyze and calculate the reports and understand the information, you’ll realize that 69.6% of All Age 13 & Under Deaths are Newborn-Related Deaths, which includes over 200 different causes other than guns, which is why the sensationalists omit it from their articles and reports. It doesn’t serve their agendas or motives.
Second, you have to understand that not only are they omitting newborn-related deaths, they are including teen-related deaths — because it slants the findings into their favor.
I’m sorry, but 18-year-olds are considered legal adults with legal responsibilities. They’re old enough to join the military and learn how to shoot people, but they’re too young to buy an alcoholic drink at the pub. They can get married to their high school sweetheart, but if she’s still under eighteen, they can also go to prison for statutory rape. And those are just the harsh and strange realities of an insane system. So, you have to omit 18 & 19-year-olds altogether, because they are not classified as children by the legal system.
But even if you want to play the devil’s advocate and include all other teens — you have to request a Cause of Death by 15 Leading Causes of Death report for Single-Year Ages of <1 Years thru 17 Years for 2021 — and you will still find that:
Guns ARE NOT The Leading Cause of Death for U.S. Children.
You can click on the image to view a snapshot.
Once again, the activists, journalists, and politicians don’t explain why they’ve omitted The Actual Top 15 Leading Causes of Death for U.S. Children & Teens from their articles & reports, but there you go.
This report reveals that, even when you include 14-year-olds to 17-year-olds, the Leading Causes of Death are still conditions arising during the perinatal period and congenital deformations and chromosomal abnormalities. And accidents (which are predominantly motor vehicle-related incidents), still outweigh homicides and suicides.
The report doesn’t necessarily specify actual firearm-related deaths, and not all homicides or suicides involve guns, so if you really want to analyze it and understand it, you have to request a Cause of Death by Injury Mechanism & All Other Leading Causes report for Single-Year Ages of <1 Years thru 17 Years for 2021.
Click on the image for a snapshot of the results.
And you will still find that Death by Firearm is NOT The Leading Cause of Death for people 17 and under — proving that Guns ARE NOT The Leading Cause of Death for U.S. Children.
Even if you include 18 & 19-year-olds in the report, the Leading Causes of Death are still conditions arising during the perinatal period, congenital deformations and chromosomal abnormalities, and accidents. And those are the facts.
The problem with activists, journalists, and politicians is that they cherry-pick whatever they want to hear and sensationalize whatever they want you to believe — all at the expense of fact, reality, and truth. And all it really does is keep people in a perpetual state of illusion and ignorance — oblivious to reality and truth.
What they’re not telling you is that Cause of Death varies significantly by age — because experiences and maturity levels change — and experiences are relative to maturity levels.
You Can Not Confuse “Children” with “Teens”. It Distorts the Truth.
So, if you really want to understand it — you have to analyze Cause of Death by Injury Mechanism & All Other Leading Causes for Single-Year Ages — One Single Age At a Time. You have to analyze each age group separately. And if you do, you will find that firearm-related deaths are virtually non-existent for children under the age of 13.
They are including teenage-related deaths — because it slants the findings, and because if they didn’t, they’d have to admit that Guns ARE NOT The Leading Cause of Death for U.S. Children. It wouldn’t be that sensational. Because it’s not that terrifying.
You don’t want to be insensitive about the deaths, but you don’t want to allow yourself to be psychologically manipulated by lies and propaganda. And that’s what they’re doing.
The Hiss of The Snake (News Media) blitzkriegs society with fear, lies, and negativity. It’s nothing less than psychological warfare. Drip, drip, drip — right into your brain. They want to dominate, manipulate, and manufacture the collective opinion. They will tell you just about anything to achieve it. And the lies are everywhere.
I’m not even into guns. I don’t even own one. But I Despise Lies.
Whenever I hear somebody regurgitating that “Guns Are the Leading Cause of Death for U.S. Children”, it makes me want to vomit — because It Simply Isn’t True. Guns ARE NOT The Leading Cause of Death for U.S. Children. It’s just a fear-campaign and propaganda designed to take away people’s natural rights to resistance, self-defense, and survival.
© 2023 – Khris Krepcik
www.TheHoodedSage.com — All Rights Reserved.