There are Beings in the aluna spirit worlds that I call the Gaia Tribes. They have a half-animal, half-human form. But they aren’t just spiritual beings in the aluna, they are human beings alive in the physical plane. You have to understand that separation between the physical and non-physical nature of reality is only an illusionary gap created by your mind. The physical and non-physical coexist — intertwined and woven together in one overall multidimensional reality. And you have to realize that you have a multidimensional spiritual self to really understand it. But it’s amazing to watch.
Whenever you’ve heard of someone having animal medicine, a power animal, or a totem spirit — it’s not a hypothetical thing. It’s a very real connection to the spirituality of nature. The sacred animals, elements, and plants are very real. They have a higher self — an etheric spirit — as all natural things do. They have inner wisdoms and mystical powers. And if you align to them with your inner feelings, they can be called in to assist and guide you. It’s a connection and a communication with spirit. It’s a relationship.
Your subtle etheric body isn’t just a subtle little glow of light surrounding your physical body. Your subtle etheric body is a multidimensional spiritual fractal logo and fractal cube of information. Your subtle etheric body is your consciousness — your energy — your higher self. It’s all the same thing, and you can actually learn to see it. Your subtle etheric energy is your true spiritual identity. Your physical body is only one small part of what you really are. Your multidimensional identity is very detailed and intricate. It morphs through various forms — moment to moment — in direct relation to your inner feelings in the moment.
When you have strong animal medicine, a power animal, or totem spirit — your fractal logo reveals it. It’s like a holographic multidimensional overlay on your skin, to where both your physical human body and your animal spirit connection can be seen at the same time — to where you appear as being half-animal, half-human. It’s like a merging of energies, inner wisdoms, and mystical powers. And your power animals can also be seen hovering within your fractal cube or walking around with you in 3D. This can be seen in the aluna spirit worlds via trance states, but this can also be seen eyes wide open in broad daylight.
It may sound strange, but what I tell you is correct. Shamanic cultures have observed it for thousands of years. Perceiving the spiritual nature of reality is actually more normal than viewing a computer screen.
The Gaia Tribes are people in this world with connections to nature, spirit worlds, and the Beings of those worlds. They are fringe dwellers that don’t really belong to the tick-tock system and technology of this world, because they belong to the ways of Mother Nature and the inner worlds. Most of them aren’t even aware that they even have an animal form, although they may ‘feel’ certain things about their connections. And then sometimes they’re very aware of it. But the etheric energy, fractal logo on the skin, and fractal cube of their multidimensional spiritual identity is what really reveals their connections.
Whenever you’ve heard of someone shapeshifting, what’s happening is that an aspect of their higher self is being revealed. Sometimes it can be showing a form of channelling or even possession, but it’s usually just revealing an aspect of the person’s own multidimensional higher self and spiritual form. And not all spirits are necessarily benevolent. One should be aware of both sides of the phenomenon and what it means.
The Gaia Tribes are usually celestial forces that are aligned to the spirituality of nature. Some of them are aluna fighters, some of them are healers, and some of them are visionaries. Most of them are just down to earth, natural, and real people that just want to live in harmony with nature. But in the aluna spirit worlds and on a multidimensional energy level — they are Mystical Tribes. The Big Cat Tribes, Bird Tribes, Deer Tribes, Insect Tribes. There are too many to list in just one little article, and there are many versions within each species, so to speak. And some people have connections to more than just one animal spirit, to where they morph between different half-animal, half-human forms, or they can appear in combinations of various animals and human form at the same time. But they are all the Children of Gaia — Nature Beings.
Life is way more mystical, than what one might think. Life’s a Mystical Experience.
© 2014 – Khris Krepcik
The Hooded Sage. All Rights Reserved.