I took 60 people to a Mystical Retreat in Spain, near the Mediterranean Sea, in October of 2013. We spent our time doing Warrior’s Wisdom disciplines — Kung Fu, etheric exercises, meditations, nature walks, relaxation, silence, and swimming — as well as discussing metaphysics and permaculture. Then we turned around and took another group of people to a Mystical Retreat in Sedona, Arizona in April of 2014 for the same. The venue was a beautiful Daoist retreat center located in the middle of the rocky red desert. It was good fun, and everyone came away revitalized with energy and perception.
It’s good when everyone gets together, because we’re all spread out around the globe. We had a great turn out with people coming from Australia, Canada, China, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Monaco, the Netherlands, New Zealand, South Africa, Switzerland, the UK, and the US. Are we missing anyone? Anyway, it’s always nice to gather with people of like mind and similar interests. The energy is always strongest.
We don’t’ shoot a lot of photos of our workshops, because we’re usually participating in the activities and/or meditating. But we’ve added a few new images of the Spain and Sedona gigs to the images gallery and thought that people might enjoy seeing them.
To view the images, please go to the following pages:
Khris Krepcik — Mystical Retreat: Spain
Khris Krepcik — Mystical Retreat: Sedona
For more information on events, please visit: Workshops
© 2014 – Khris Krepcik
The Hooded Sage. All Rights Reserved