Relationships are simple. What makes relationships so hard? People make their own relationships hard. The ego and the rigid intellectual opinions of the mind make relationships hard — nothing more. What’s so hard about being kind? What’s so hard about being down to earth and real? What’s so hard about being open and sincere? What’s so hard about sharing? What’s so hard about being generous? What’s so hard about being Light-Hearted? Nothing. There’s nothing hard about it. Rigid minds make things hard.
Life may wear you down a bit, but it is precisely within the quality of your own behavior that determines the quality of who and what you are. The quality of your attitude and inner feelings determine the quality of your actions in life. Actions, attitudes, and inner feelings are called behaviors. The secret to good relationships is in developing the quality of your own behavior — because that’s what relationships are — the ways in which things behave between each other. It’s very simple.
This is why Discipline and Inner Power are vital — because Discipline is a Code of Behavior based on Inner Virtues — and Inner Power is the ability to maintain the quality of your own Behavior and Inner Virtues. Do you see? Develop the quality of your attitudes and inner feelings — a sense of Virtue — and it will guide the quality of your actions in life. This determines the quality of your relationships in life. Simple.
Beyond the simple basics, the main reason to develop the quality of your attitude and inner feelings — is because any negative attitude or inner feeling towards another human being is the exact same thing as black magic on an energy level. People are constantly bashing each other around. Anger, anxiety, desire, disdain, envy, fear, greed, hatred, jealousy, lust, panic, rage, sadness, worry — any of it — they all create and project etheric blocks, binds, darkness, hits, and sickness onto others. This is why the quality of your relationships is a matter of mastering yourself — your attitudes — your inner feelings — your behavior — because good relationships are those that are nurturing to the Body, Mind, and Spirit of others — not degrading to them. It’s not enough to preach peace and love — if you silently harbor evil attitudes.
Beyond the ego — beyond emotional reactions and the rigid intellectual opinions of your mind — there is a deeper mystical connection between all living things. You can feel the quality of a tree. You can feel the beauty of a flower. You can feel the natural spirituality of a dog. You can feel the inner wisdom and flowing spirit of a river. Everything is energy. Everything is in a constant Relationship with everything else. This is the underlying nature of reality. And the quality in which you experience reality is a reflection of the quality of your own attitudes and inner feelings — the quality of your very own consciousness — in Relationship to the quality of consciousness within all living things. Develop an Inner Kindness.
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The Hooded Sage. All Rights Reserved.