Within the depths of the human subconscious mind, attitudes, inner feelings, and thoughts have forms. The collective human conscious and subconscious exist as holographic fields. Holographic fields exist as the very underlying nature of reality that give form to all things. Separation between the physical and non-physical is an illusion created by variations in both the frequencies of light and sound waves, as well as a person’s ability to perceive frequencies of light and sound waves. Reality is nothing more than light and sound dancing through eternal space as vibrational waves. The holographic fields of the collective human conscious and subconscious are just part of the holographic fields forming the world we live in. There are fields within fields. The collective holographic fields of humanity contain manifestations of the collective attitudes, inner feelings, and thoughts of humanity. They contain endless collective forms.
When you dream, meditate, or vision, you are traveling into your own subconscious human mind. The things that you see are primarily the manifestations of the attitudes, inner feelings, and thoughts within your very own subconscious programming. You are seeing reflections of your own inner feelings. To fully understand it, you must also understand that your subconscious human mind is part of the collective human subconscious. People are all connected on a holographic level. So, some of the things that you see can also be the manifestations of the attitudes, inner feelings, and thoughts within the collective subconscious mind of humanity. The main things that you see are your own and then the influences of those closest to you—family, friends, co-workers, community, etc. The quality of the attitudes and inner feelings that people project towards one another are far more impacting than anyone realizes.
Where is consciousness? Where is the subconscious human mind? Where is the collective conscious and collective subconscious mind of humanity? Is it inside your head? Is it only in your dreams, meditations, and visions? Consciousness is within. But where is within? Is it within the confinements of your physical form? No. Your conscious and subconscious mind are inside of you and all around you at the same time. And the collective conscious and subconscious mind of humanity are inside of humanity and all around humanity at the same time. It’s all part of the etheric life force—a force that permeates all things.
The Celestial Force is inside of you and all around you. Everything is within the Celestial Force.
The perception of energy is the perception of the etheric life force. The world around you is a collection of etheric life forces. The perception of energy includes perceiving the energies of animals and nature, but more than anything, the perception of energy that people see, feel, and experience is primarily the perception of the etheric life force of other people. Your etheric life force is your consciousness. There is no real difference between a person’s etheric energy and their consciousness. It’s one and the very same thing. Light is consciousness. There is no real difference between consciousness and light. Your etheric life force is light. The perception of energy is the perception of light—the perception of the etheric life force—the perception of consciousness. Does it matter if you see etheric energy? No. Absolutely not. The perception of consciousness and etheric energy is an inner feeling more than anything else. Everything is energy. Everything is a feeling. What matters is what you intuitively feel. Perception is to sense and feel.
Beyond all this boring metaphysical stuff, here’s something that you may actually find helpful…
Where is consciousness? Where is the collective subconscious? Right in front of you, within the attitudes, inner feelings, and ways of humanity. Consciousness is reflected within a person’s face. All you really have to do is look. Consciousness is reflected within a person’s words. All you really have to do is listen. Consciousness is reflected within a person’s feelings. All you really have to do is feel. Your reality is a reflection of your inner feelings. The collective reality of humanity is a reflection of humanity’s collective inner feelings. Reality is a reflection of the collective conscious and collective subconscious of humanity. You don’t need a crystal ball to perceive things. You don’t need to perceive etheric energy to perceive the subconscious mind. All you have to do is rock up and look, listen, and feel the world around you.
The very quality of your life is a reflection of the very quality of your own consciousness.
The subconscious human mind works with images and symbols. It doesn’t really work with words. When you perceive energy—eyes wide open or eyes wide shut—you are perceiving the images and symbols that rest within the collective subconscious mind of humanity. Interesting, eh? What of Dragons and Doves?
Dragons exist within the subconscious human mind as manifestations of the lump sum of a person’s own inner negativity. I fought and killed my first dragon, when I was about 19 years old. Since that time, and I’m getting old and gray, by the way… I’ve had the not so pleasurable experience of helping others fight and kill their inner dragons. The reality, intensity, and extremity of that is beyond what people may think, because it’s not just some symbolic analogy or metaphor. The fact of the matter is that these things are very real, intense, and extreme within the subconscious human mind of the person experiencing them. The mind makes things real. The mind makes things solid. Reality is a subjective experience.
Does it really matter if you can see dragons or not? No. And it’s probably even best that you don’t. Many people claim they want to see these things. Very few people can actually handle the depths of what they find. What does matter is that a person look at their inner negativity. What does matter is that a person process and transform their negative attention, attitudes, inner feelings, and ways in life into positive attention, attitudes, inner feelings, and ways in life. What does matter is that a person discipline their emotional imbalances and ditch their rigid intellectual opinions. Why?
Because life is a reflection of your very own inner feelings. The quality of your life is a reflection of the quality of your very own attention, attitudes, inner feelings, and ways. Approach life with your negative attention, attitudes, inner feelings, and ways—and you degrade the quality of your life. Approach life with your positive attention, attitudes, inner feelings, and ways—and you empower the quality of your life. It has very little to do with positive thinking. It has everything to do with the quality of your inner feelings.
You have to look at your inner feelings and address your inner negativity to empower the quality of your life. In your darkest hour, you strike gold. You find it! Because addressing your darkness—your own inner negativity—is the very thing that grants you the very power of your own inner light—your positive inner feelings. The very moment you stop blaming the quality of your life on anything other than the quality of your very own attitudes, inner feelings, and ways—is the very moment that you are actually granted the very power to create a life of quality. Ditch your inner negativity. This is what it means to kill the Dragon.
The Dove is your inner light. The Dove is pure spirit. The Dove descends the very moment you transform your inner negativity into positive inner feelings. The Dove descends the very moment you transform your darkness into lightness. Descend from where? Heaven. Where’s heaven? Inside of you. — Always was.
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The Hooded Sage. All Rights Reserved.